Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Duncan Visit to SingTel

Quite a quiet wednesday i had today... whole day no mood to talk.. to work.. to do anything.. so i got the sudden urge to go down gym to let everything out... woot!~ so shiok after the gym.. first time got the motivation to give it all out.. and looking myself at the mirror.. hehe.. my face was so red with blood rushing upwards when exerting the strength... After showering in the restroom, i went to the canteen and get myself a packet of milk... ^_^

Whole day nv had lunch... then Duncan came over and jio-ed all of us for tea-break today... haha... went down to the Killiney Coffee Shop with everyone... then i ordered Iced Milo.. 2 Kaya breads and 2 half-boiled eggs... YUmmy!~

Then Zhutou also ordered 2 half-boiled eggs after seeing us eating so shiok.. i think she very very long nv eat le.. then she tried to be cautious when cracking open the egg shells... but by doing it.. the rest offered their assistance.. and too many opinions made her frustrated.... lolx.. i at the side see le.. also felt helpless for her... but she still managed to get over it le..

Before I go home, i went down to Plaza Singapura to work on something... till date I still cant mentioned it out and will keep it as a secret bah... but I bought myself a set of earpieces for my lappy in Best Denki... so next time when i'm outside watching movies or listening to musics, i can plug it in and no need to worry for noisy environment... ^_^

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