Friday, April 24, 2009

One Exam over... Two more to go..

The pass few days were a hectic days for me.. i've been trying hard to get all the points into my head.. but when the next day i woke up... everything seems to be lost somewhere in the memory box in the brain and perhaps distorted and cannot be retrieved out.. so everyday seems to be studying over and over again... sigh...

I was at my peak point of frustrations 2 days ago when i just cant memorize anything... i wanted to give up until i decided to go east coast macdonald to force myself to study alone... so i wont be thinking about anything but just study!!!

At least i managed to cover some chapters that night and then i can see myself progressing well.. and till today.. althought not many points i can recall during the paper.. but i guess it is the paper itself is very open-ended.. and just on the "smoke machine" and can easily get over it..

^_^ i believe i can pass the Marketing Research... but then it is a matter of scoring well or not.. >.< but then the group assignment result is not out yet... i was with a new group this time without Zhutou and Mimo... but this new project group is quite efficient and fun to be with... perhaps this time unable to join them for their usual practice.. which is their famous '1hour discussion... 5hrs happy hours' theories...

Especially Jinny told me that they have a special "dance" before they submit the assignment.. but i missed twice of the dance.. hopefully next time i'll see it bah.. ^_^

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